We serve a BIG GOD who is doing BIG THINGS at Lonoke Baptist Church!

We are asking our church body to partner with us as we expand our ministries to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ in Lonoke and Prairie counties as well as across the globe.

The current church property supports our current attendance, however, due to the increasing growth, the needs of the church also continue to grow. In preparation for the future, the church is purchasing property for future expansion.

Would you consider contributing today to help us provide the space needed to continue discipling new believers who will reach the world for Christ?

Our goal is to raise $187,000 by July 1, 2024 in order to purchase property debt free.

Please know that EVERY DOLLAR can make a difference for the kingdom. We are asking, if you are able, to give boldly above and beyond your normal tithes and offerings, to see lives changed through God’s work at LBC.

Thank you for partnering with us in order to see more lives transformed and more believers discipled. We are confident the Lord will use your gift to do greater things than we could ever imagine.

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